At Fundación Laboral de la Construcción, we have worked since 1992 to provide companies and employees alike the resources to be more professional, secure, qualified and with a more successful future ahead. The sector is increasingly more united and connected, and works closer with society and the rest of sectors than ever before, to face the challenges of new times.
This is the ultimate goal of the union of Confederación Nacional de la Construcción (CNC), CCOO del Hábitat and Federación de Industria, Construcción y Agro de UGT (UGT FICA), which all together form this joint non-profit organisation.
As a result of years of sheer dedication and effort, and thanks to the support of many professionals, the Foundation has become a benchmark entity in the sector and a key partner working for the future of companies and professionals.
With more experience and knowledge at our reach, our goal is that the prevention of occupational risks, training, employment, innovation, sustainability and new technologies are capable of assisting us to continue building this progressing sector that we all believe possible.
The tens of thousands of building workers that each year come by the classrooms of the Labour Foundation are the best evidence of our efforts, which we demonstrate on a daily basis through our 50 very own training centres, an offering composed of more than 200 training actions, the collaboration of more than 1.400 professors throughout Spain and the preparation of more than 140 study manuals on different subjects of the sector.
We also work on a daily basis to promote the employability and professionalisation of construction professionals and attract new workers to the sector in order to boost the competitiveness of companies. To this end, we have employment services specialised in the sector in nine Territorial Councils and we operate as a Placement Agency approved by the Public Employment Service in 32 Training Centres. Annually, the career guidance professionals meet more than 12,000 job seekers. Fundación Laboral also has the main online employment portal,, a tool available to workers and companies in the sector.
Working towards building a better world is our goal and that of everyone that form part of Construction Labour Foundation, through the 17 Regional Councils distributed all over Spain, just to be closer to you.
Organization chart


President :
Climent Olives Camps (CNC)
Vice president :
Aida Suárez Couceiro (CCOO del Hábitat)
Sonia Saavedra Ferreira (UGT FICA)
Secretary :
Andrés Moll Linares (CNC)
Manager :
Mario Guillén Lobo
Code of Conduct
The Fundación Laboral de la Construcción (Labour Foundation for Construction) is commited to the highest ethical standards and, according to the principles of transparency, honesty and integrity, is regulated by a Code of Conduct. Likewise, it publishes in this web the economic information about grants, agreements and contracts with Public Administrations, in compliance with the established in the Law 19/2013, of 9 December, of Transparency and Access to Public Information and Good Governance.
It also counts with channel communications to communicate anonymously any act that could represent an incompliance of the Code of Conduct.
Sistema Compliance
Las personas que integran la Fundación Laboral de la Construcción tienen un compromiso real, visible y sostenido con el respeto a la legalidad y la ética a la hora de actuar en todas y cada una de las actividades. De este compromiso, nace la implantación de un Sistema de Gestión del Cumplimiento, certificado por entidad externa acreditada con el nº GCP 2023/0031, conforme con la norma UNE 19601 y que se plasma en una firme Declaración de compromiso y cumplimiento y cumplimiento y una Política de Compliance.
La Fundación Laboral de la Construcción está comprometida con la igualdad de oportunidades y condiciones para todo su Personal, así como con todas las personas que colaboran en los proyectos en los que participa.
Fruto de este compromiso, firmado por la dirección, la Fundación Laboral lanzó en el año 2020 su primer plan de Igualdad y actualmente está en marcha ya su III Plan de Igualdad con el fin de garantizar y afianzar este compromiso, y convertirse así en un referente de la defensa de la igualdad de género, tanto en el ámbito del propio sector de la construcción, como ante la sociedad en general.
Data protection clause
Fundación Laboral de la Construcción, in accordance with the provisions of its Code of Conduct, carries out its activities adapting to current regulations in each field of application.
Thus, the paritarian institution has updated its Privacy Policy and the Data Protection Clauses, which can be publicly accessed by any interested party. y las
Territorial headquarters - Baleares
- Camino de Jesús, 76. Carretera de Puigpunyent. Pol. Ind. Can Valero, 07011 - Palma de Mallorca (Baleares)
- Phone: 971 753 752
- Fax: 971 290 690
- Meet all our centers here